Client Solutions
Why a Financial Planner?
As your financial planner, we make it easy to leave the legacy you want for your loved ones.

What is important to you?
Because the cornerstone of any good plan is your dreams. Whoever you are, whatever your dreams, the reality is that there is a price tag attached. That’s where we fit in. We can help you put in place, or course correct, a plan that takes you from dreams to reality.
Financial planning is not about frugality and wistfulness. It’s about strong conviction and a strategy. We can build you a strategy, offensive and defensive, that will help you cultivate the right habits and follow through. When you choose us, you’re choosing to surround yourself with a team of coaches and experts to guide you and cheer you on.
The Value of Advice.

No Advice

4-6 Years of Advice

7-14 Years of Advice

15+ Years of Advice
Source: Cirano Report: Econometric Models on the Value of Advice of a Financial Advisor.
Young Families & Singles
I’d like to get started investing when I’m young. Where do I start? (20’s and 30’s)

So, let’s get the conversation started!
What are your dreams? Do you want to own a house? Have a family? Build a business? Ensure you’re able to travel the world? All of those things?
If you’re already a family, your priorities might be a bit different in that you might need to take protective steps to insure your income against illness, disability or premature death. With little ones underfoot, you might be wondering about creating the opportunity for further education.
A winning financial game plan is not glamorous, it’s just common sense. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss an appropriate game plan for your dreams, please feel free to contact our office.
Mid-Career Families
Life just got a whole lot more real. How do I cope? (40’s)

There are always solutions that make sense, no matter what life may have in store for you. Whether you’re worried about your health or the health of a loved one, family continuity, retirement possibilities or planning for sabbaticals, sorting out the tax and estate implications is part of a winning financial plan. Helping you find the answers to the situations life throws at you is what we do best.
A winning financial game plan is not glamorous, it’s just common sense. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss your dreams, please feel free to contact our office. Let’s get the conversation started!
Your Acceleration Years
I’ve got this; things are on autopilot. But how do I make sure I stay on track? (50’s)

Checking in on your plan regularly to make sure it fits your plans for life and allows you to be able to fit in those extras as well as keep on track to the future of your dreams is key. At this stage, it’s also a great idea to keep a more careful eye on your efforts to save for retirement and make sure you are firmly on track.
Let us help you assess and change your plan with the solutions that make sense, no matter how trouble-free or full of twists and turns your life might be. Whether your concerns are retirement or that lifelong dream of a renovated family home, we can help.
A winning financial game plan is not glamorous, it’s just common sense. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss your dreams, please feel free to contact our office. Let’s get the conversation started!
Nearing Retirement
Retirement is sneaking up on me. Am I really prepared? (60’s)

There are a number of plans and decisions to be made as you get your financial house in order for retirement. Helping you to create a retirement plan that allows you to sleep at night with peace of mind and confidence is what we do best.
If you’re turning 71 this year, you will have to convert your RRSPs to an RRIF (or annuity) before the end of the year. Find out what the lower minimum withdrawals introduced in the 2015 Federal Budget means to you.
We take a look at the complete picture, balance all of the competing priorities – your retirement lifestyle, your business or personal assets, your need for income, your family’s special needs, your health –– and provide a practical approach to making your retirement dreams start to manifest themselves.
A winning financial game plan is not glamorous, it’s just common sense. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss your dreams, please feel free to contact our office. Let’s get the conversation started!
Retirement is unpredictable. How can I ensure a sustainable plan? (65+)

Whether you’re newly retired or have been living the retired life for a few years, we can help you create a formal income plan that soothes the tax bite on your retirement income over time and gives you the peace of mind that you’ll be able to fund your desired lifestyle expenses throughout your retirement years – no matter how long that might be.
Our team has specialized expertise that combines tax and estate planning to help you make the most efficient use of your assets in retirement. We take a look at the whole picture –– your health, your retirement lifestyle, your need for income, your desire to create a legacy for future generations or for your favourite charities –– and provide you with the options and guidance to make sure that your financial life is organized exactly as you’d like it.
A winning financial game plan is not glamorous, it’s just common sense. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss your dreams, please feel free to contact our office. Let’s get the conversation started!
Business Owner
My work is my life. How is financial planning different for me?

Our team has specialized expertise in helping small business owners like you plan and coordinate your financial affairs to ensure that you are well on track to the life of your dreams – on your own terms!
A winning financial game plan is not glamorous, it’s just common sense. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss your dreams, please feel free to contact our office. Let’s get the conversation started!